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I'm Asian, and I travel solo


One of the main reasons why I chose to travel alone is that I can explore the world at my own pace.

If you have just a bit of courage, huge curiosity about the world and strong desire to get to know the "unknowns" and be "awed" by them, then travelling solo has to be one of your bucket lists!

1. I travel solo, but it's been a long way

In Taiwan, where I grew up from, I have everything taken care of by my family. However, deep down, I knew that there was a little beast inside me, a beast that had always yearned for the freedom, escaping the fences and running to the other side of the world.

My first year studying in London, I was looking forward to this new world around me, yet I was afraid of being disappointed by it. I only travelled in groups with other Asian schoolmates visiting tourists attractions like typical Asian tourists would do when they visit Europe, as I felt the uncertainty and a sense of insecurity about travelling solo. After a while, I realized that it was not the way I wanted to travel. Absolutely not.
I was fed up with traveling with a group - which was nothing more than rushing from one place to another, stopping every second for taking a selfie in front of every touristic spot, and going to Chinese restaurant as the only eating out option wherever we went, moreover, I had to adapt myself to everyone's schedule and pace, I finally had enough.

So I decided to travel solo from then on and I picked Dublin as the first destination of my first ever solo trip - it's relaxed, it's festive, and safe-enough European city. Unsurprisingly, I really enjoyed travelling alone this time, as I could experience deeply the local culture, and I felt absolutely free! Luckily, one of the many great benefits of living in a city like London is that you can easily fly anywhere in Europe with direct flights, only at a fraction of the cost!

Even when I was in a relationship, I committed myself to travel solo at least once a year. Only through this experience, could I get to learn about myself and to befriend with this world! Trust me, you will accidentally encounter more good surprises than you would do while travelling with a group!

Become a solo traveller (3).png

2. So how do I travel solo ?

Being an Asian woman, people around me get very worried when I travel solo. 
My suggestions? 
Do your research so that you are well prepared for whatever circumstances you may end up being in. 
Some of my tips: 
- Spend some good time learning about the places you will visit, or things you will do, or people you will meet. 
- Find out the contact number of authorities of your country of origin or your embassy in the country you will visit and keep that with you just in case. 
- Share your itinerary with families or friends you can trust, including your local contact information. 
- When you're on the road, you must encourage yourself to interact with locals, you can simply ask them questions to break the ice! 

As far as personal safety is ensured, you will find out that travelling solo not only opens a new path to the world but also develops your hidden talents! 

Enjoy the world solo, girls!


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Whether you are an avid traveller or a first-time adventurer, all NomadSister editors are passionate about travel. They share their advice and experiences with the desire to give you wings!

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