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Get involved in a supportive community.


The heart of NomadSister is mutual aid. Without it, there would be no hostesses; Without hostesses, there would be no travellers. The involvement of each member of the community is therefore essential in its development.

Our hostesses host travellers on a voluntary basis, out of solidarity, mainly motivated by the pleasure of meeting others. To be able to contact them, travellers must have a Pass.
This can be obtained in several ways: by getting involved for the community, by purchasing the Pass, or having it offered to you 😉

But how do you get involved in the community?


1- Become a hostess and earn Smiles

How to get Smiles.JPG
Smiles (NomadSister miles 😊), can be converted into discount coupons, from 10% to... 100% !!! This is what allows us to be the most reliable platform, but also the cheapest if you get involved.

Smiles can be obtained in several ways. Mainly with your seniority on the platform and by becoming a host. You earn Smiles every time you host a traveller. 10 travellers in your home, and BIM, a free pass!

Here is an example of a Smiles table from one of our nomadsisters:

Become a solo traveller (2).png

In this example, she already had a free pass, she can have another 50% discount for her next pass, but she is not missing much (360 Smiles) to get a new free pass.

On the other hand, if you live in an area that is not very touristy, it can take a long time before you have female travellers coming to your place...

In this case : 

2- Create digital contents

Do you have an original, engaging travel project? Do you want to develop your Youtube channel, your Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok or other account? Do you have skills to create videos and blog posts? Use your talent to become our partner or simply earn Smiles.

The easiest way is to post stories on Instragram mentioning us. If we republish the story: you won 50 Smiles!

A blog post validated by our team = 400 Smiles!
But some very high quality articles got bonuses... 😉

The article must be at least 600 words long, contain 3 quality photos and be either a testimonial or advice to visit your area. For another topic, it is best to contact us first.

Here are some tips for creating your blog posts and becoming an editor at NomadSister.

And here are some examples of articles created by the community:
- I tested NomadSister, here is my opinion
- I cycled across France
- My trip to Bulgaria

But that's not all! NomadSister is a young company, we are still working to improve the platform, here are some other ways to get involved:

3- Refer to a traveller


1. You must first become a hostess or traveller.

2. Find a friend who would be tempted to travel solo, or do like Betty, who participated at a conference as a speaker and talked about our solution for women travelling alone with peace of mind…you, too, can tell how great our community is and recommend others to buy a pass.

3. A big bonus for your friend? At the checkout, thanks to you, your referree can have a reduction:
20€ for the annual pass,
10€ for the 2 month pass.

To benefit from this, all she has to do is to indicate the login email address of her referrer (you!), a bit like a promo code on the purchase page.

4. … And voilà you are now a referrer! A confirmation email will be sent to you where you’ll have all the explanations on how to obtain your reward:
1 referral = 1 free 3-month pass, which can be activated whenever you want.
2 referrals = 1 pass 1 free, which can be activated whenever you want.

A simple process as easy as pie that allows you to please others and yourself.

More details on referral program.

You cannot contribute to the community?

No problem, you can contribute financially to the development of the platform by purchasing your Pass.

Your contribution is precious, it allows us to continue to exist, to maintain the site, to grow our community in other countries, and one day, to be able to help all women in the world to travel alone serenely.


The editorial team:

Whether you are an avid traveller or a first-time adventurer, all NomadSister editors are passionate about travel. They share their advice and experiences with the desire to give you wings!

Who are we?

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